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What do you do? Do you study or work?

I'm a business analyst with a high-profile finance company helping provide finance solutions for startup companies and entrepreneurs.

What is your job?

As I said, I work in finance and my job involves analyzing and evaluating startup companies, financing opportunities, and matching them with the best possible funding solutions which we offer from our range of investors and pre-packaged loan solutions.

Why did you choose this job?

It was one of the first jobs I saw advertised after graduating from University and it was relevant to my major which was Business Administration with a specialization in international finance.

I also thought that the company was socially aware, and I liked the fact that it was set up to help other small entrepreneurial ventures which were looking for funding to help them in their initial stages of developing in their markets.

How was your first day at the office?

My first day at work or in the office was very enjoyable; people were very friendly and two people, in particular, helped me to orient myself to the new office.

They showed me where everything was that I needed and helped me to settle into my workstation.

My immediate boss also spent some time with me which was a very valuable experience and she made me aware of what was expected and my role within the company.

She explained what I would be doing on a regular basis, she outlined my responsibilities and functions, etc.

And overall my first day was very enjoyable, it was good meeting everybody and learning a little bit more about the company and my new position.

Let's talk about being on time…

Do you wear a watch normally?

No, not anymore, I used to in the past but in the last couple of years, I've stopped wearing a watch.

I find that I’m happier and also I don't need it ‘because I always have my phone with me which has a clock on it so having a watch isn't really necessary anymore, and I prefer not to wear one.

Do people in your culture usually arrive on time?

Yes, they do we, are known to be a very punctual culture and it's considered disrespectful and rude to arrive late for a meeting or an arranged appointment.

So, yes, most people turn up on time or even slightly early to avoid any problems.

Do you arrive on time?

Yes, I do, almost always. I can remember one or two occasions when there was a problem or a delay or something and I arrived late.

But in general, I always arrive on time and I plan ahead to make sure that even if traffic is bad, for example, I can still get to where I need to go on time or arrive even slightly early.

How would you feel if someone made you wait?

Well, I don't like it I think it's a sign of disrespect for other people’s time and it's frustrating. I’ll usually wait for somebody if they contact me to let me know that they are running late and approximately what time they will arrive, then it's not a big problem.

But if they don't contact me and they just leave me waiting, then usually depending on where I am, depending on what kind of meeting or arrangement it is, I wait for maybe 20 or 30 minutes maximum, and then carry on with whatever else I have to do that day.

I don't usually contact the person if they don’t show up - it's up to them to explain the circumstances but in general, it doesn't happen very often.

It’s totally understandable if someone arrives late or is delayed because of traffic or something unforeseen or circumstances which lead to them being delayed.


Talk about a special day which was not that expensive or for which you did not have to spend a lot of money

You should say:
and explain how you felt about the day.

IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer

OK, so one special day that I can remember was when I was living in Mexico for a brief period and I among the people I was working with was another girl, from England.

One of the things we used to do when we had time off was to visit the pyramids in the areas near where we lived, and we would climb the pyramids and take photographs of them.

On one occasion, we got up early and we got on a small bus which took us about 40 minutes outside the town where we were living at the time, to a small village.

The village was located at the foot of a very tall, or large, pyramid and we planned to climb it along with some of the locals.

It was a lot of fun it was very good exercise as well because the climb with all the different steps, it seemed like just claiming upstairs for a couple of hours, however, when we reached the top the view from the top of the pyramid was absolutely amazing.

We probably spent about 20 minutes or 25 minutes maybe at the top and there was a group of people who had climbed with us and we talked with some of them, we took some pictures, we rested, we had something to eat and something to drink, just a snack.

Then when we felt rested enough we started the descent, started to climb down, it was actually more difficult because of the inclination, it's a lot easier climbing up then going back down but it was actually slightly faster and by the time we arrived back down it was very early in the afternoon.

We were really hungry, so we decided to stop in the village at the bottom of the pyramid and have something to eat. We ate lunch, we had a local dish which included chicken, rice, and salad, and some other things, it was delicious and was served in a typical rustic or country style restaurant.

Then we spent a short time wandering around the small village and the marketplace which was where we looked in some of the shops, chatted with some of the people there, before we took a bus back to the city.

The entire day didn't cost a lot of money, only the cost of the bus and the food that we ate. The climbing part was actually free, so it was a very enjoyable and special day.

The reason it was a special day was 'cause it was the last time that the two of us climbed together, we had climbed many different pyramids together before, so it was the last thing that we did it together.

Shortly after that day, we went or moved to different places and so it was impossible to continue visiting the different pyramids and all the different places together, so overall it was a really nice enjoyable and special day, and it didn't cost a lot of money.


Special occasions & celebrations:

Why do many people typically associate celebrating special occasions with spending a lot of money?

The clue is in the word ‘special’. Normally whenever something is special, people associate it with something better than normal, so it’s logical that if people have a special celebration it will cost more than a normal or regular celebration.

If you look at some of the special celebrations such as important birthdays or a wedding or anniversary, then you’ll see that many people usually spend quite a lot of money because they believe it shows the importance of the occasion, how special it is for them.

Because such occasions don’t happen all the time they can justify spending a lot because it’s not an everyday or common occurrence. And that makes it even more special and worth spending – to make it even more memorable.

What sorts of things are essential in order to have a special celebration with family or friends?

If I think about some of the special celebrations we have had in my own family… they usually involve a lot of food and drink, and obviously, all the members of the family coming together in a nice place.

When it’s a celebration with friends it might be a little bit different. We might go out to someplace to eat or even dance or something.

The most important thing of all, before considering, food, music, drink, the place, and what the people do when they are together, is simply the people that come to the celebration.

For example, when I think about family celebrations when I was younger, two of the most important people I always remember being there were my grandparents. Somehow, a family get-together without them was just not the same – so any special celebration had to include them, otherwise it wasn’t special.

Spending money:

How do people spend their money differently nowadays compared to in the past?

There are probably a couple of differences, such as the fact that many young people nowadays spend money much more easily than their parent or grandparents did.

They don’t plan and save and think so much about what they spend their money on – they tend to just spend on whatever they want at the time.

There are a couple of reasons for this. It’s much easier to get d=credit nowadays, so it’s easier to spend money you don’t have. And there’s a lot more peer pressure to have certain things and appear to be successful through consumption.

Some people might say that consumer trends are changing and that young people are choosing to spend their money on more socially aware companies, but at the end of the day, they are still spending more easily than previous generations.

Modern consumerism makes it easier than ever to spend money, what are the consequences of this for society?

The biggest and most serious consequence is how easy it is for people to get into debt. Because it is so easy to spend money on credit cards, etc. people can quickly lose control of their finances if they aren’t very disciplined about what, or how much, they spend.

There is a lot of pressure to consume, from advertising, from peers, from society in general – consumption is seen as a good thing and is positively encouraged all the time.

Easy credit and easy payment options like swiping your credit cards, paying your phone, shopping online, etc. all these things make it potentially very easy to lose control of exactly how much you are spending.
Using credit is not a bad thing, as long as you have a stable job and are sure that you can pay your bills every month when they arrive. But today’s economy is much more fragile than in the past, and subject to very dynamic changes sometimes.

Some people are still recovering from the financial crash back in 2008 because they lost their source of income due to the layoffs and downsizing which a lot of companies implemented to try and save money.


Where you live:

Where are you living at the moment, is it far from here?

I live at home with my parents. Our home is about 30 minutes from here, in the suburbs of the city.

Do you like where you live? Why?

Yes, I love it. It’s a nice peaceful, safe neighborhood. My family has lived there for a long time. We know all the neighbors and there are all the amenities you need close by, so it’s a really great place to live.


Have you ever had a part-time job?

Yes, when I was younger.

*Alternative question if the answer is negative: Why not?

Well, my parents always wanted me to focus on my academic studies and so they never encouraged me to find a part-time job.

And after graduating from university I started working full time, so I’ve never worked on a part-time basis.

Where did you work?

I used to help my uncle in his store after school and on the weekends.

He used to have a convenience store, so I would help unpack stock and put it on the shelves and also help organize the back shop.

What kind of work did you do?

Like I said, I started off just helping with simple tasks like stacking the shelves and labeling products.

When I was a little older I even began to serve customers when they bought things.

My uncle taught me how to use the cash register and give the correct change and everything.

What are some of the things that people think make a job a good one?

Well, there are some obvious things, like the job being an interesting one. Most people like to have job satisfaction because they like doing it or they know it is worthwhile because it helps other people.

Then there are things related to the workplace; a good environment, good colleagues or fellow workers, having a good boss, and so on.

And of course, most people would like to receive a reasonable wage or salary for the work they do, so all these things would probably make a job a good one that people would be interested in doing.

There might be other factors also, such as it being challenging, providing a long-term career path, a position which provides social status, power, and recognition.

People & perceptions:

Why do you think different people might have different perceptions of the same job?

Because different people have priorities which vary. For some people, the money is the most important, meanwhile, for others, it’s the people they work with or the actual work they do which is more important.

Some people are very ambitious while others prefer work which has a more social role in society rather than just to make more money.

So, depending on which perspective you have, you’ll look at a certain job through your own personal lens, and see the things you like and dislike about it – that would explain why different people see the same job in different ways.

Do people’s perceptions change as they get older? How do they change?

Yes, I think they do. It’s because your life experience and knowledge eventually shape your perception of all aspects of life.

Young people tend to have a very optimistic and idealistic perception of the life and the world, while older people tend to have lived a bit more and know that it’s difficult to change things and life is generally a struggle, so their perception will be tinged by their own experiences, good or bad, but based on greater life experience than a younger person’s perception of the same thing.

But perceptions aren’t just positive or negative, it’s not a case of right or wrong; there is a lot of things on which many people have the same perception regardless of their age or experience.

How have your own perceptions changed in recent years?

Well, I would say I’m a little more cynical or skeptical now than I used to be when I was younger.

That’s just because I’m not so naïve anymore, and I realize that many things are much more complex and nuanced than what I thought when I was younger.

My perceptions have changed somewhat since graduating and beginning to work and seeing the impact of decisions in the real world, and how everything affects everything else in ways I never really considered before.


Describe a good experience you had with a company/in a store.

You should say:

and say if you would recommend this company to your friends.

One day, last year, while driving my car, I took a look at the fuel gauge and noticed that the needle marked less than a quarter of a tank.

I tried to remember where the nearest service station was. I thought it should be more or less close to the place where I was going to at that time.

A few weeks before, a couple of friends had told me that it was not a regular gas station, but a high service one. They told me to go and see it for myself.

For that reason alone, I remembered it instantly. They had told me that it's not the spacious, newly remodeled one, which has about a dozen gas pumps. You need to continue a little further and then you come across a row of vehicles in the access.

Very soon I had in view the large service station, located on the corner on my right. At that time there were no more than five vehicles parked in front of the gas pumps.

I went a little further in the same direction and there, some thirty meters away, was the famous gas station my friends had told me about. I counted seven vehicles in front of mine and noticed that the row was moving to the right. I parked, turned off the engine and waited a bit.

When I eventually left the gas station, I decided that I had to go back one more time with my camera. In effect, that station had its own charm, a special touch or, even more important, a powerful and inspiring message.

The people of that business demonstrated a conviction, a high-quality outlook, a way of being and communicating for the benefit of their clients.

It was, without a doubt, a business that could not go unnoticed, a business with spirit, with a unique identity.

This is a fundamental characteristic of any successful business, related to some of the most essential questions that, as people, we often ask ourselves, like what distinguishes us? What makes us unique and different?

Many companies believe that the alpha and omega of service excellence consist of administration based on management instruments and measurement of results, that is, on doing, being on task, follow-up, analysis and the concatenation of processes, in the acquisition of the latest and most sophisticated CRM model.

Well, they are wrong. Excellence in service begins and ends in the exercise of values that are much closer to being than to doing, more intangible than tangible.

In simple words: you are helpful, or you are not. We could even hierarchize these two dimensions. First, you are, and then, that way of being must be translated into actions, actions that, in turn, if they are coherent and constant, will show that you really are.

The people working at the gas station that day gave me an unforgettable experience because of their manner, the way they treated me, and it’s something I’ll never forget.

They were just so helpful, and I would definitely recommend the place to my friends, well, they already know about it; in fact, they told me about the place.


Customer service:

Do you think it’s true that shops or stores which sell luxury/expensive products actually offer a better shopping experience to their customers?

It’s probably a very subjective thing. If you like shopping in such stores then I’m sure the services they provide, and the experience, will be satisfactory; you’ll feel special, you’ll feel like your purchase is worth the money, and they will treat you well.

But, you could also go to a regular store and buy something and still receive good service and a good shopping experience. You know, you buy something, hand over the cash, and the people in the store treat you well. You go home with the product and you’re happy.

So, what I’m saying is it depends what you want from your shopping experience. If being pampered and made to feel special is important for you, then luxury stores do that very well.

If you just want to buy something at a reasonable price. Then there are many stores which can deliver a good shopping experience. It might be more basic and less luxurious, but it’s still a good experience because you got what you wanted at a good price.

How can companies benefit from giving their customers good customer service?

Probably the most common is through word of mouth (WOM) where a happy customer will tell their friends and family and others about their experience, the good service, the excellent prices or whatever it was that made their shopping experience a good one.

Such personal recommendations are very powerful and much more effective than potential customer just seeing a random advertisement or some other promotion.

A personal recommendation is much more likely to make them want to check out the store, brand, or product for themselves.

What changes do you think will occur in customer service in the future?

It’ll probably become more and more personalized. Shopping, in general, is heading in a more personalized direction, so it’s only natural that customer service will follow suit.

Companies and brands will try to build better and deeper relationships with their customers.

That makes sense because it costs less to keep an existing customer than find new ones. So, I expect that brands will find new and innovative ways to become a bigger part of our lives, in an effort to provide a more personal shopping experience for us, in the hope that we stay loyal to the brand.

Products & services:

What changes to products do companies typically need to make to the products they offer to make them more appealing to customers?

A lot depends on the type of product it is. For example, if it’s a tech gadget, smartphone, computer, etc. then there is a constant need to update the technology, features, and functionality in order to keep it competitive and also take advantage of the latest technological advances.

For example, we’ll be seeing 5G technology rolling out later next year, so expect to see a whole range of product versions being released to take advantage of the benefits that 5G will offer.

Then there are consumer trends which can drive change. For example, nowadays many millennials are really conscious about their impact on the environment, and more importantly, the impact of the products they buy and the companies they buy them from have on the environment.

So naturally many companies who target that demographic have launched ‘green’ initiatives to show how they have reduced the pollution associated with the production of their products, or they become involved in environmental causes through their social responsibility programs and suchlike,

Do you think that people are reluctant to buy again from stores where they have had a bad experience with a product or service?

In general, yes. I know I am. I’ve had one or two bad experiences with products and service, and I wouldn’t buy that product again or use the same service provider I used that time.

A bad experience leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, and it can take a long time to get over it if it cost you money, or the outcome was totally unsatisfactory.

And there are so many options to choose from that there is really no need to go back to somewhere you had a bad service experience or a bad experience with q product.

There are plenty of different brands, and service providers for you to choose from. It’s easier to just try a different one.

In such situations, what should companies do?

It’s really difficult to persuade a customer that their bad experience was not normal, or that the company can make everything right again.

Probably the best strategy is to learn from the mistake, or the incident, and improve their products, service, etc. And focus more on their customers and eliminating the risk of a similar incident occurring again.

It’s extremely difficult to win a customer back once they’ve had a negative experience with a brand.



What kind of work do you do?

I’m doing research at the moment. I’m part of a research group at the university, investigating new applications for artificial intelligence.

Why did you choose this profession?

I’ve always been fascinated by technology, and so I chose to study engineering and computing at university.

When I graduated, I applied for several research positions and I was lucky enough to be accepted for the position I have now.

It was actually my first choice, so I was really pleased when I found out I had been successful with my application.

How did you feel about your first day at work?

It was strange in some ways, but familiar in others.

The people I was working with were new, but I already knew some of the supervisors and the head of the research project, so they were familiar faces.

If I remember well, the first couple of days just flew past because there was a lot to learn about the progress of the project and what each person was contributing and how my role would fit in with the overall plan.

It was exciting and exhausting at the same time, but all good.

Foreign food:

In your childhood, did you eat much foreign food?

No, not really, compared to the mount of foreign food I eat now. I can remember having pizza, and some other dishes my mother would make sometimes, Italian pasta and Thai salads were her favorite.

Do you eat foreign food nowadays?

Yes, nearly all the time. I love Thai food and Italian food, probably thanks to my mother’s cooking.

One of the things I like to do with friends is visit new restaurants in town and try different types of food and different dishes. I find it very interesting comparing all the different flavors and styles of cooking.

Do you feel that the next generation will eat more foreign food than local food?

It’s very likely. I mean, so many aspects of culture are becoming global nowadays, like music, clothes, and food, so yes, I can easily imagine that in the future people will be eating more of the same food, food from other countries and cultures, and less of their own local food on a regular basis.


Describe a situation where you helped someone at work or with their studies.

You should say:

and say how the other person reacted to your help.

Sample Answer

I remember one particular situation, when a colleague at work was feeling particularly stressed.

Even in good times, it is not always easy to stay calm. But at that time, the economic situation was not the best and rumors of dismissals were everywhere.

Many people were afraid of losing the security of their jobs. To make matters worse, stressed bosses and coworkers transferred their tension to other workers, like the person I mentioned.

Most people can handle the pressure. But the person at the desk next to mine could not.

I saw my colleague suffering, and it was understandable that I wanted to offer help. Apart from helping her relieve her stress by listening to her concerns about work, her future and other personal issues, and letting her know that she could count on me for help if she ever needed it, I told her some of the things I do to alleviate stress when I feel extremely worried about something.

I also pointed out that she couldn’t let it affect her productivity and that she needed to maintain her morale in the office.

Some people actually became violent because of the stress levels being endured. But most people who suffer from mental stress in the workplace do not become violent and the warning signs that something is wrong can be subtler.

In fact, when someone notices that a colleague has a problem, it is most likely that he or she has been suffering for some time. This is why experts suggest intervening early.

Working conditions can cause stress. Psychologists and specialists in occupational mental health say that if we put healthy, balanced people in the same trench with guns pointed at one another, the likelihood of experiencing depression and anxiety is very high.

Experts point out that the most important alerts are changes in behavior, among which are patterns at work and eating and drinking habits.

Someone can start working very hard. Or may start arriving late, look discouraged, withdrawn or angry. Behaving differently is not the problem, it's the change that is important as an indicator of a deeper problem.

When it comes to helping someone who is suffering from mental stress, it is important to approach with empathy.

You need to let the individual know you understand where the stress comes from, and that’s basically what I did.

Much later, she thanked me for taking the time to listen to her worries and offer my support to her.

I actually bumped into her a few months ago and she told me she was doing fine now; she has a different job which was much less stressful and was no longer bothered by stress.


Helping others & teamwork:

Has there been any other situation in which you have helped a friend?

Yes, very recently. My best friend was going through a very difficult time, personal issues with her partner, and she was always asking me for advice about what to do.

We met up several times to talk about the situation, but we also chatted on WhatsApp all the time, exchanging ideas, and she used to ask me a lot of questions as things happened at home, and about what I thought was the best thing to do.

We’ve always been very close, but the last couple of months have been really intense.

Thankfully now I think she has managed to solve all the issues which were causing problems and her life is getting back to something like normal again.

I’m very happy that she isn’t as stressed now as she was recently. It was not healthy; she was worrying herself sick over what was happening between her and her partner.

How important is teamwork at work?

Nowadays, it’s essential. Whether it’s a team in the same office or a group collaboration over the internet, it’s one of the primary skills all workers need to learn; to work effectively in a group.

Of course, there are still some positions which don’t require you to work as part of a team, but they are few and far between. Ay most levels in most organizations, teamwork is essential for success, whether it’s a small office team, a large interdepartmental team or a cross functional team across different countries.

Which other factors affect teamwork?

Some essential factors would be leadership, collaboration, and willingness to listen to the ideas of others.

It’s important to let everyone in the team have a say, and then filter the ideas to come up with the best outcome.

Then, it’s necessary to be able to implement the plan chosen and monitor its progress and effectiveness.

Being able to analyze, discuss, and adapt are also important skills which can help a team consolidate itself and become super productive and efficient in what they are tasked to do.

Old people & relationships:

Do you feel that older people talk more to their family than friends?

In some cases that might be true, but in others not. For example, my grandparents have their own friends, and shared friends, other couples that they talk to.

They both individually spend time with their respective friends and also do things with other couples as a foursome.

They don’t just chat with the other family members. But I guess it can be very different if your grandparents are very old and stay at home all the time.

Maybe they only get to see their family and don’t get out much or don’t get to spend time with their old friends anymore.

In such cases, it’s only natural that they will spend more time talking to family than friends.

Nowadays, how important is the role of grandparents in the life of their grandchildren?

It’s still important. They have a lot of life experience and wisdom because of their age and what they have lived through. Children can learn a lot from elderly people if they want to.

They have some amazing stories from when they were young, and it’s so much more interesting to hear them tell you about things as they were in the past, in their time, when they were young because life was so different then.

It’s something you would never find in a book or even online, because it’s a personal perspective of a time long ago. I know my grandparents have endless fascinating stories they love to tell me whenever I visit them.

They’re also very astute. They know almost intuitively when something is good or bad, based on their experience, and, for example, my grandfather loves telling people what he thinks of new innovations and technology.

I think grandparents are a great learning resource for children.

Do you think the role of grandparents has changed from how it was in the past? How has it changed?

I’m not sure if it’s changed that much. If anything, I think it’s better now because my grandparents keeping touch by chat and calling me directly on my mobile phone.

I remember my mother telling me how she used to visit her grandmother every Sunday when she was a child. It was the only time they saw each other and spoke to each other.

Nowadays it’s easier for grandparents to have a more active role in the lives of their grandchildren.

Just yesterday my grandmother sent me a funny picture of something she saw while in the market, and I could see it on my phone and I responded to her instantly. It was a lovely shared moment.

That kind of interaction is something that would’ve been difficult before mobile technology became popular.

I feel that my grandparents are part of my everyday life and not just people I go and visit sometimes. So, I think their role is probably more important nowadays, as they have more influence through easier communication.



Do you like it when it rains?

When it rains at night time I find it quite relaxing, but I generally don’t like it when it rains during the day because it just makes the day more difficult if I have to go out and do things.

Here, heavy rain can even stop the traffic for a while, so it’s really inconvenient.

And if it’s unexpected you can get soaked in a just couple of minutes unless you find shelter quick.

Does it rain much where you live?

When it rains, yes, but there are basically two seasons, the wet season and the dry season.

So, in the wet season, for example, it’s normal for it to rain at least two or three times during the week. It’s expected, and maybe more sometimes.

And sometimes at night it rains for hours and hours on end, but that doesn’t usually happen during the day.

In the daytime the rain is normally heavy but short bursts, maybe 30-40 minutes maximum and then it stops.

Has it ever rained when you were outside without a raincoat or an umbrella?

Yes, I’ve been caught out a couple of times in recent years that I can remember.

Sometimes it seems like it won’t rain and then within a short space of time, the sky darkens and then the rain comes down really heavy.

It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it comes as a surprise to everyone and you either find shelter quick until the rain passes or you get soaked through if you stay out in it.

Do you think rain affects the way people behave?

Definitely, people tend to not go out as much when it’s raining.

Personally, I try to plan my days better during the rainy season and avoid going out in the afternoon when it usually rains the heaviest.

It’s not always possible, but the weather is certainly more on my mind at that time of year rather than in the dry season when you don’t have to worry about it raining so much.


How well do you remember the friends you had in elementary school?

I can remember them pretty well. We haven’t kept in touch, but I still remember them. My family moved to another city after my sister and I had finished elementary school.

So, the friends we had later were not the same friends we had when we were younger.

When I was in elementary school I had two best friends. One of them was very funny and the other was very like me in terms of her character.

We used to spend all our free time together and go to each other’s houses to play and stuff.

Are your friends today mostly the people you work or study with?

Nowadays, the friends I see regularly are those that I work with.

We usually go out after work maybe once or twice a week to do something together.

I still see some other friends from my time at university, but not as often as the friends I have at work.

Do you enjoy chatting with your friends online?

Yes, it’s something we do every day. We like to keep up with what’s going on and what people are doing.

It’s constant, one of the great benefits of internet-enabled phones is that you can easily stay in touch with anyone if you want to.

It’s almost like being there with them, you can share photos and be involved in their life even if you are not physically near them.

Just the other day one of my friends sent me some messages and photos of some clothes she was thinking of buying and asked me what I thought about them. It was just like being there in the store with her.

We could exchange ideas and comments and I helped her make her final choice. It was great to be involved.

When you meet your friends, what do you like to do?

With my friends at work, we do all kinds of different things. Sometimes in the evenings, we go for something to eat or drink, or we might go to see a movie or something like that.

A couple of weeks ago we went dancing in a new club that recently opened. And last week we went to a comedy show in a local theater here in the city. It was hilarious!

So sometimes we just go out and chat, and other times we actually plan a night out or specific activity – it just depends how we feel and what’s happening in the city.


Describe a car journey you remember well.

You should say:

and explain why you remember this journey so well.

Sample answer: A car journey

Okay, so a few years ago my father decided to take us on a really special car journey as a special treat. It was a historic route by classic car, a trip through Madrid.

The tour started in La Latina, on Segovia Street, near the Plaza Mayor which is full of terraces. Then it continued along the Calle de la Colegiata leaving behind the great Church of San Isidro (Madrid's patron saint) to reach the Tirso de Molina square.

Then we went south along some of the streets until reaching the Plaza de Lavapiés where the Teatro is located Valle-Inclán and, again, many terraces.

From there, we went along Argumosa street, where you can reach the Ronda de Atocha, to the rear of the Reina Sofía Museum, where there was a large library and exhibition halls.

The next destination was the Plaza de Carlos V, surrounded by the Atocha Train Station, the National Museum of Anthropology and the Cuesta de Moyano until we eventually arrived at the Paseo del Prado.

After touring the extensive roundabout, during the Paseo del Prado to the Plaza de Neptuno, we enjoyed the green spaces of the Botanical Garden on the right, the Caixa Forum and its vertical garden on the left, the great Prado Museum and the hotels Ritz and Palace, on each side of the square.

After the Plaza de Neptuno, there were some new buildings such as the Thyssen Museum, the Naval building and next to it the Stock Exchange of Madrid, and then we turned into the Plaza de Cibeles where there was a large Post Office Building, now the seat of the municipal government and the Casa América.

From there, we followed a historic route along a stretch of Calle Alcalá to the west, and we passed by several symbolic buildings such as the Instituto Cervantes and the Bank of Spain before turning to follow the Gran Vía, the Círculo de Bellas Arts.

There was some magnificent scenery created with sculptures on some roofs, such as the Casino de Madrid or the Telefónica Building, which is especially interesting if you do the journey at night.

Perhaps, the best experience was spotting the Plaza de Callao and the Capitol Cinema with its large advertising poster of Schweppes at the top.

From the Plaza Callao, we passed the theaters and cinemas (such as Rialto and Lope de Vega) until we reached the end of the street where the Plaza de España is located, with its statue of Cervantes in the center.

During the tour, we took photos of everything and the family in the most symbolic places. It was really fun to do it in a classic sports car, and in about an hour, we had traveled through the historic center of Madrid as if it was in the 60s. It was really amazing!

Follow up questions:

Do you think you will make this journey again?

I’m not sure. It was my father’s idea, but we thought it would be fun. Maybe one day in the future I’ll take my own children on the same tour or something similar.

Do you generally enjoy traveling by car?

Yes, as long as the scenery is interesting, but I prefer when someone else is driving so I can enjoy the views.


How effective is public transport in your country?

It depends where you are exactly in the country. In most of the major cities, public transport is good and cheap, and it makes it easy to get around.

But if you go out of the cities, it can change quite a bit. There are some places where you really need your own transport, a car, or motorcycle or something to get around because the bus service isn’t so frequent, or it won’t take you to exactly where you need to go.

How could public transport be improved?

I suppose it would be ideal if the rural bus routes had more buses, but then again, it’s a cost thing, isn’t it?

There aren’t so many passengers, so it’s not as profitable for the transport companies to provide more buses.

In the cities, they could introduce more bus lanes in the city centers. Some of the cities have them, but if there were more, it would ease the traffic congestion even more. And make buses even faster, and so probably more popular with people for getting around.

Why should governments encourage car drivers to use their cars less often?

Well, the theory is that it will reduce congestion in busy areas like cities. And also, it will reduce co2 emissions into the atmosphere, which is a bad thing.

The problem is the practicality of such ideas. For a long time, we as a society have been encouraged to invest in our own transport, having a car has been seen as good thing, independence of mobility, as well as being something of a social status symbol.

There is also a huge industry which surrounds people owning cars, from the car manufacturers to car insurance, car maintenance, parts companies, etc. so it’s a huge economic sector.

Now, all of a sudden, cars are bad because they pollute. It’s really difficult to change ideas so quickly.

What irritates me sometimes is why it’s always the normal regular people who have to make the changes.

Why don’t governments reduce pollution and emissions in maritime transport or restrict air travel? These cause more pollution than someone driving their car to work every day.

The future of transport:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having driverless cars?

The main advantage is you don’t have to drive! Whether that’s a good thing or not I don’t know. Some people like driving, others don’t. It’s a personal thing.

Some people might say that driverless cars will be safer because computers aren’t emotional, they don’t get distracted, and they don’t get tired, etc. but until we actually have some experience of these cars it’s difficult to say if they will really be any safer.

As far as disadvantages, I can think of a few; the extra technology will make cars more expensive, to buy and maintain. Also, just like people can hack into companies and hack your email and phone now, we have to assume that hackers will be able to hack into driverless cars, which could have disastrous results.

It’s an interesting development, but not all such projects improve our lives. One more thing is that if we don’t have to actually drive the car, we will probably end up working even more than now because you still have to be inside the car, and the obvious thing to do would be to work on your laptop or phone on the way to work in the morning – it’s more probable than relaxing and watching a movie on the way to work.

It may not be as relaxing as we all tend to think!

Will there be soon the need to invent new modes of transport such as flying cars?

You know what I’d love to see would be a personal drone vehicle. Just like you can fly a drone now using your phone, but you could attach yourself to the drone somehow and have it deliver you to wherever you want to go.

I think that would be incredible! Just imagine being able to fly directly from one point to another without having to bother with traffic jams.

Obviously, there would be potential problems, if lots of people are flying around, but if you think about the driverless cars again, they will be able to avoid each other so why not the drones too.

The energy required would be a lot less because it would only be the weight of the person and not the weight of the car and the person, and it would reduce emissions and ease traffic in the cities.

It’s at least an idea that should be investigated!



What time of the day do you prefer studying?

Personally, I like to study first thing in the morning. I find I can concentrate better when I’m fresh after a good night’s sleep.

Are you fond of writing?

Yes, I like writing by hand because I find it somewhat therapeutic. I normally keep a daily journal, noting down my thoughts and observations, things like that.

What types of things do you like to write?

Well. Apart from writing in y journal, I have also written a few short stories for children. It was a project I started some years ago.

Now, I would like to find an illustrator to do the drawings, and maybe eventually I’ll try and publish one or two of the stories I’ve written.

Have you been fond of writing since you were a child?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved writing. Even when I was a child I used to practice writing. I used to create characters in my head and then write about their adventures.


What kind of advertisements are popular in your country?

Probably the same as in most countries. I mean there are TV ads and radio ads and then the ads you see on the internet every day.

I think most people find funny ads the most interesting and popular, or those which are quite different from others.

There seem to be a lot of ads for new cars at the moment, and they explain how easy and cheap it is to own a new car. Definitely more than there were in the past.

Can you remember an advertisement you have seen recently?

Yes, I saw one just a few days ago. It was on the internet and it was advertising a free degree course in Psychology.

It caught my attention because the idea of getting a degree without paying any money sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

But when I clicked on it and read through the terms and conditions, it wasn’t exactly free – not completely, but it was a lot less expensive than attending a traditional four-year degree at university.

Is it a good thing that celebrities do advertisements? Why?

I’m indifferent to it; really, I can understand why they do it, and why brands want them to do it, because of their influence.

But as to whether it’s a good thing or not, that’s a personal decision for the celebrity or the person looking at the advertisement.

If a celebrity wants to endorse or advertise a product or service, it’s up to them.


Talk about a place in your town/city that you and your friends often go.

You should say:

and explain why you and your friends like it.

Sample Answer

There are various places we like to go. But one of the most popular ones is a coffee bar in one of the large shopping malls here.

The coffee bar is quite small, but the shopping mall is enormous! It has various different zones and is on three levels.

We sometimes just meet up there to have a coffee and spend some time together catching up on what’s been happening and do some ‘people watching’.

One of my friends likes to make a game of it, you know, guessing what people do; their job or profession, etc., or where they’re going or where they’ve been, or what they’ve bought.

She’s really funny sometimes and imagines all kinds of things just by looking at someone walking past.

We like it there because it’s a nice place to sit for a while but there are plenty of people walking by and shops to see as well.

There’s an open roof so you can see the sky and feel the breeze even though the actual coffee bar is covered and protected.

So, it’s a nice fresh, relaxing atmosphere that the place has, perfect for unwinding at the end of the day.

It’s easy to get to and if we feel like it, we can stroll around too, and maybe buy something, but we don’t always do that. Sometimes we just meet up and then go our separate ways.

We usually go there after work, for a couple of hours, maybe once a week, it’s a good opportunity to see each other for a bit and gossip.



What are some of the activities youngsters do in your country?

It depends on their age, but they like playing video games or sports outside. You see a lot of young kids on bikes and just playing in the street near where I live, which is a residential neighborhood.

Slightly older kids, teenagers, usually spend a lot of time with their friends, online, gaming, or girls in particular like to spend a lot of time at walking around the large shopping malls with their friends.

Really, I suppose they do the usual types of things that all teenagers do. Listen to music, chat, have fun with their friends, and so on.

How are activities which you do with friends and those done with parents different?

Maybe, things you do with your friends are sometimes less organized, more spontaneous. Sometimes you just meet up or get together without a specific plan in mind and then you decide what to do.

I think when you do something with your parents, typically you have a plan, or they do, and so it’s different.

My parents are always busy, so when we do go out to eat or do something, they tend to be very punctual and conscious of the time, they know where we are going and exactly what we’re going to do, and roughly how long it will take.

When I’m with my friends it’s not usually like that – it’s more relaxed.

What are some activities done by different age groups of people in your country?

Well, like I said before, young people tend to hang out with their friends, listen to music, play video games, and so on.

Young adults usually do some form of sport or they might be studying to further their professional career, and their socializing usually centers around parties and going out to eat in the trendy cafes and restaurants in town, and then maybe dancing.

Older adults, like my parents, tend to do more things at home. They’ll watch TV more than young people and when they go out it’s usually only for a special occasion such as a special family celebration, or to visit their friends at their home, or they might invite them over for something to eat.

Another popular activity which older people enjoy here is walking. My parents usually go a couple of times a week and they have a lot of friends who do the same, sometimes they even go in a group.


Should students focus more on spending time with their friends or their studies?

It’s probably best to focus mainly on your studies, but you shouldn’t neglect your friends.

I know when I was studying my friends and I didn’t see each other as often as we did before. But I think that’s normal

Studying is intensive. You need to get good grades to graduate and it’s your future so it’s very important.

Friends are important too, but if they’re true friends they’ll understand that studying needs a lot of attention.

Both are important, but if you need to focus more on one of them then it should be studying; at least for a couple of years, and then things will be a bit less intense.

I have a friend who recently did her master’s degree and, literally, we never saw her for almost a year. Maybe just twice for special occasions. She was so busy she had no time for anything else. But we understood.

Since she finished and graduated we’ve seen a lot more of her recently.

Have the ways in which friends stay in touch changed in recent years in your country? What changes have taken place?

Not so much in recent years, but generationally things are different. Mobile technology dominates now, and many people have ‘friends’ all over the world they chat with.

It’s also so much easier now to keep up with all your friends through chat apps and FB, etc. You can update each other throughout the day without actually having to meet them in person.

It’s great because you don’t miss anything. It’s like being there with them all the time. You can send them voice messages, pics, etc. and it’s just so easy to be a part of their life and for them to be part of yours.

It doesn’t matter if you live in the same city, country or elsewhere – you never need to be out of contact with them.

How do you think friendships might be different in the future?

Probably the nature of friendship won’t change much. It will still be based on shared experience or interests, but I think that the next big step will be virtual reality technology which enables us to be ‘virtually’ with friends who are in other places.

There is an interesting project being planned at the moment to introduce virtual shopping, where you can walk around some of the most famous shopping malls in the world and purchase products – all through virtual technology.

It’s just another small step to having a friend in a different country who can, for example, show you around their home or their city virtually using similar technology.

So, friendship will probably remain the same, but the things that friends do together will probably change, and the possibility of being close friends with more people you never meet physically is definitely going to be a big change.


Do you work/study at the moment?

At the moment I’m a student. I’m in my final year at Sheffield
University, studying Computer Science, with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence.

Why did you choose that field of study?

Because I’ve always been fascinated by computers and when I was a child I learned to program simple apps, and my interest grew from that. Also, I thought it would be a good career for the future, as technology and especially artificial intelligence are becoming more and more important in everyday life all over the world.

What do you enjoy most about your studies?

Probably the fact that I’m always learning something new, expanding my knowledge, and I love the fact that the application of computer science theory can actually solve real world problems, and you can see the impact and how it is shaping the future.

What kinds of magazines do young people and old people like reading?

Oh, I’m not sure about older people. I guess many young people like reading graphic novels, more than magazines. I never read any magazines when I was growing up; I read graphic novels and books and watched loads of movies, but I can’t remember regularly reading any magazines.

I suppose, thinking about the types of magazines older people read, my grandmother used to read a magazine about cooking, I can’t remember the name of it, but I remember she was always trying recipes from it and she would explain all about the ingredient and so on. I guess they read whatever they’re interest in.

What kinds of magazines or books did you read when you were a child?

Like I said, graphic novels mainly, and some science fiction books. I didn’t used to spend that much time reading. I preferred watching movies or playing video games when I was younger. Although I spend a lot more time reading now.


And say if you would like to visit it again in the future.

Sample Answer

Okay, so while I’ve been here in the UK, I’ve visited several places but the one that really sticks in my mind the most is London. It’s definitely the most interesting city I’ve ever been to, so far.

I went a couple of months ago during the summer vacations, with a couple of friends. We went there for a week, and it was one of the best experiences – there was just so much to do.

Luckily one of my friends is really good at planning and organizing stuff like that so she compiled a daily itinerary to make sure that we managed to see all the major tourist attractions and sights while we were there.

One of the things that impacted me the most was the diversity of London, in every sense, architecture, scenery, the people, the mixture of old and modern, it truly is an inspiring place, and luckily for us the weather was particularly good when we visited so we were able to do a lot of walking and really get a good feel for the city.

Obviously, it’s a massive city, but we managed to navigate ‘the tube’ which is like their subway system, we also went one a couple of those big red double-decker buses you see in movies, and took a traditional London black cab, and lots of other amazing things too.

I have to admit we were total tourists for a week, we saw Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament and all the usual things, but I would like to go back some time in the future and maybe see more of the ordinary things in London.

I’m sure there are a lot of other interesting things to see and do in London apart from the main tourist stuff, but it was a good first visit. One that I’ll always remember, and being there with friends made it even more enjoyable. Maybe I’ll plan another visit once I’ve graduated, before flying back home.


Why are more and more people moving to the outskirts of cities nowadays?

Probably because many cities are becoming overcrowded, and some are very dangerous unless you live in a really nice neighborhood. Another reason could be that young people especially are more mobile these days in terms of work, and many more people are working from home or tele-working, using their laptops and phones so they don’t necessarily need to live close the office or wherever their company is located. They could be living in a different place altogether.

I think it’s natural for people who are planning a family to maybe want to move out of the city, or when you get older, because there are many places on the outskirts which are nicer, safer, cheaper, and yet still within easy traveling distance of the city.

So you have all the benefits of city amenities but the cost of living is less and the quality of life is enhanced.

What are the education facilities in cities and rural areas like in your country?

In terms of what’s available I guess they’re pretty much the same for certain levels. The main difference would be the size of schools and other educational facilities in the cities, which are obviously much bigger because the populations in cities are larger.

When it comes to schools, most rural areas cover both elementary and secondary level education equally.

In terms of tertiary education, clearly, cities have the advantage because there are not many further education or technical colleges located in rural areas, nor universities, so that is the major difference between the two areas.

Why do you think some people prefer to not live in a big city?

There might be various reasons, like wanting a quieter lifestyle, being able to purchase a larger home for less money, to offer a safer and more relaxed environment for your children to grow up in.

Big city living is not for everyone. While there are some benefits, like all the amenities, and interesting stuff you can do, many cities are polluted, overcrowded, and traffic can be very frustrating sometimes.

Living close to a city but not in it, in the suburbs, or on the outskirts, for example, is a good choice for many people.

What could be done to improve city living in the future?

One of the major concerns is the quality of air in many big cities. Too much traffic in such a densely populated area can produce really unhealthy air. More traffic calming measures need to be considered, or alternative action to limit the number of cars and other vehicles transiting in the city center, especially.

With less traffic, many other problems would be solved, such as problems finding parking space, pollution, road rage, and also noise pollution.

It would also be a good idea, and this is already happening in some large cities around the world, to include more green zones in city areas, especially when dealing with urban regeneration projects.

Having more greenery helps balance the environment, enhances air quality and also provides an environment more conducive to healthy living for city residents, allowing them to enjoy green open spaces as a change from the concrete structures which typically make up most large cities.

IELTS Speaking Exam Part 1

What is your full name?

It’s [first name] [second/middle name] [surname/family name], but you can call me [the name people normally use to address you].

Where are you from?

I’m from [city] in [region].

Are you working or studying?

I’m working. I’m an architect.

Where do you live?

Here in [name of city], in [name of area/neighborhood].

Do you live in a house or apartment/flat?

I live in a house; I’m staying with my parents at the moment.

Would you like to live in the same place in future?

No, not really. I plan to move to Australia soon and would like to live there.

Have you seen any TV programs about robots?

Actually, I saw a short video just the other day about an amazing parkour robot which was able to maneuver and jump and even carry heavy loads. It was incredibly agile and versatile.

It was a big difference from some of the earlier robots that were produced. I can imagine all sorts of applications for this type of robot technology.


Are you interested in robot technology? Why? Why not?

I’m not an expert or anything, but I can imagine that we’ll have a lot more robots in our lives in the future – it’s just natural evolution. So I’m interested in knowing about what’s happening and some of the potential areas which robots might be used in and that sort of thing, but not so much the details of the robot technology.

I think that the fusion of man and robots will be difficult in some cases and there will be a lot of resistance to it by some people but it’s going to happen and it’ll be interesting to see the transition as we become more open to the possibilities which modern robot technology offers us.

Do you think people are becoming more comfortable with the idea of robots in society? Why? Why not?

Slowly, yes, I mean you can’t ignore that it’s happening. We have manufacturing plants which are equipped with robots doping the work that men did just 10 or 20 years ago. Robots are used in science and medicine and the applications in our daily lives are growing all the time.

One of the factors which will make it even easier to accept is the fact that we all rely on technology so much nowadays just to live. From computers to the internet and so on, automation is a natural process and so it’s only a matter of time before everything which can be automates is – even though some people might not like the idea initially.

I think that once driverless cars are introduced and become widely accepted, that will open the door for robot technology to enter into all spheres of our daily lives, and then there will be no limits.


What things do you normally take with you when you go out?

I guess the usual things, my phone, keys, purse, bag, and whatever else I might need depending on where I’m going.

Are there any differences between the things which you take with you during the day time and evening time when you go out?

No, not really. The biggest difference is in what I might wear. I’m going out for the day then I’ll usually wear something comfortable, or practical, but if I’m going out at night, especially to socialize, then I’ll usually dress up more and wear clothes appropriate for wherever I’m going – and who I’m going with.

But I’ll still take the same things with me; my phone, keys, etc.

IELTS Speaking Exam Part 2

Describe a café you visited recently.
You should say:

and explain who you went with and if you liked the café, and why.

Sample Answer

So about a week ago I was out with my friend, we were spending the afternoon in [name of city] and while we were strolling around we decided to stop and have something to eat and drink.

As we were walking along we noticed what seemed to be a small café on the street corner which seemed to be full of people, so we thought it must be popular and went in to give it a try.

From the outside it didn’t look that big but once inside it was enormous, I mean it stretched almost the full length of the block and there must have been hundreds of people inside and outside on the sidewalk.

We found a table and sat down and spent a few minutes looking around us at the décor and the other people and just chatting; then a server arrived at our table with menus and told us about the ‘specials’ of the day.

I glanced at the menu to get an idea of the sort of food and drink they served, and it was an extensive choice, they seemed to have a lot of my favorite dishes and also drinks.

Then, we quickly ordered what we wanted and while we were waiting we began to notice the many old photographs on the walls of the café. They all depicted scenes from the city in the past, from the last century and earlier. Most of them were old, you know, like black and white photos, showing landmarks in the city and a good few were of the café itself showing how it had evolved over the years.

Anyway, the atmosphere was buzzing with all the people and there was some background music playing too. People were coming and going and the sound of conversation was everywhere. It was a really dynamic place.

I really liked it, the food was great and the service too, and the ambience was amazing, just full with energy, and so many people. I’ll definitely be visiting it again the next time I go back to [name of city].

IELTS Speaking Exam Part 3

In your country, are social functions normally held at home or in a place outside the home, such as in a restaurant or other place?

A lot depends on the type of social function. If it’s a small family event like a birthday or an anniversary then it’s quite usual to just organize a party or family get-together at home and invite family and close friends.

If it’s something else, a larger event like a graduation or wedding, then many people would usually organize such an event in a venue such as a restaurant or maybe even a hotel or someplace similar which can accommodate more guests, provide catering and take care of everything necessary.

Do you like to invite people to your home or do you prefer to meet them outside somewhere?

Personally I like to invite my best friend to my home because it’s no problem, she just comes over and we do whatever we fancy doing. And I don’t mind cooking something for her and things like that.

But if we’re planning to meet up with other people I prefer to meet them somewhere outside like a café or restaurant. It’s just so much easier to go out, and then at the end of the evening someone else takes care of cleaning up and all that sort of stuff and I can just go home. I guess I’m just lazy when it comes to entertaining.

Are there any advantages to inviting people to your home? What are they?

My mother is a big fan of inviting people home or entertaining people at home. She loves entertaining guests and preparing something for them to eat and everything else. She just loves having people in the house to fuss over. I’m the complete opposite.

She says she loves it because she loves having different people at home, and loves making them feel comfortable and looking after them while they visit. She also says it’s more relaxing than going out, and more intimate and personal rather than just meeting people at a café or restaurant.

What are some of the reasons people might prefer to attend social functions in a venue outside the home for example, in a hotel or restaurant?

Like I said before, those places are typically bigger so they can accommodate more guests, and then there’s the big advantage that someone else organizes everything and cleans up at the end of the event.

Another advantage would be that if there’s a lot of guests invited then it avoids anything in your home getting damaged, because someone always knocks something over or drops a glass or something like that, you know, accidents, even small ones often happen when you get a lot of people together in one place. So organizing a social event outside the home avoids any of those problems.