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IELTS Speaking Test Questions January-April 2022 -23 || AMAN IELTS || IELTS IDP SPEALING TEST 2021


IELTS Speaking Test Questions January-April 2022 

Test 1

Part 1 Questions


Are you working or studying?

I’m working in Human Resources at the moment.

What type of work do you do?

Well, I’m involved in various areas of human talent management, but my main responsibility is for compensation and benefits for employees in the company.

Tell me about your job.

So I’m involved in a lot of personnel reviews and performance evaluations as well as providing induction packages for new employees, and dealing with employees retiring or leaving the company, their severance pay, and benefits, and so on.

I’m also part of a team which reviews staff costs on an annual basis and makes recommendations to the financial department regarding budgets for salaries and benefits.


Do you prefer to have one best friend or a few friends?

Personally, I only have one friend who I would actually call my best friend, and a few others who I would call close friends. I’ve known them all for different lengths of time and we met in different places.

Why do you like having a few friends?

I think it’s good to have different people to talk to and spend time with because everybody is different and we don’t all share the same interest, so it’s good to share some interest with one person and enjoy doing something else with a different friend.

Some of them I see very often and others maybe only a few times per year because we don’t live very close to each other, but we stay in touch constantly.

Do you often go out with your friends?

Honestly, we used to go out together a lot more a few years back, but we’re all so busy now and some of my friends have gotten married and settled down.

Most of us are busy with our respective careers and that doesn’t leave us as much time as we used to have for going out during the week or at weekends.

But I guess that every couple of weeks we usually spend some time together or go out to eat something or maybe to an event or something like that.

What do you typically do together?

It varies depending on which friend I spend time with. With my best friend, we usually go shopping together or to eat something, or maybe just watch a movie together, but with other friends I might go to a special event like a show or spend a weekend with them and visit an interesting place.

Do you think that you will have more friends in the future? Why? Why not?

That’s hard to say, but I suppose so. I have different friends now from those I had when I was a child, so I guess that as I go through life I will probably meet many more people and possibly strike up a friendship with some of them.

Watching TV

Do you like watching TV?

Yes, when I have the time, which isn’t that often at the moment, but I like to spend a couple of hours a week watching a movie or maybe a good TV show.

What kinds of programs do you like to watch most?

Generally, if I watch a TV show, I like those ones which are about conspiracy theories, or maybe political thrillers; really, anything which has an element of drama, mystery and intrigue about it but a touch of reality also.

Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with someone else?

I usually watch it alone, but sometimes with my friend, it just depends what else is going on at the time. I sometimes catch the news while I’m eating or something like that, but I don’t really consider that as watching TV, it’s just keeping up to date with what’s happening in the world.

Talk about a popular well paid job in your country.

You should say:
  • which job it is
  • why it is well paid
  • why you think it’s popular
and explain what the requirements for this job are.

IELTS Cue Card | A popular well paid job

Okay, so in recent years on of the most popular career choices has been to become an Industrial Engineer, and here it can be very well paid if you can secure a position in a good company and develop your skills and experience.

One of the reasons that being an industrial engineer is popular is that the discipline covers a wide variety of industries and sectors and therefore the career prospects for graduates are extremely good. Companies are always interested in improving efficiency and reducing costs and those are two key components of industrial engineering.

It’s a well paid job basically because the types of companies which tend to employ Industrial Engineers are large national and multination or even global companies and therefore they have more resources than smaller firms. They tend to have a graduate development program and a well defined career path for those young professionals who are interested in developing their career.

It’s quite competitive though because it’s popular it means that there are usually more graduates each year than there are employment vacancies, but because it’s a professional discipline which spans across various sectors, most graduates tend to find a suitable position eventually.

As far as the requirements are concerned, there are a variety of different bachelor degrees in Industrial Engineering available, but personal characteristics normally required include critical-thinking skills, analytical and problem-solving skills, creativity, math skills, and excellent communication skills.

Follow up question: Do you think you would like to do this type of work?

I actually considered studying to become an Industrial Engineer, but in the end I opted to study Business Administration and major in International Business. I think that working as an Industrial Engineer could be interesting, but I’m happy working where I am at the moment in Human Resources, I find it very satisfying.

Part 3 Questions

Choosing a job, earning money, saving money, accumulating wealth, happiness

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Test 2

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1

What is your full name?

My name is ...

Can I see your ID?

Yes, sure, here it is.

Where are you from?

I'm from [name of city].

Work / Studies

Are you working or studying?

I'm a student, in my final year of a postgraduate course in International Business.

What do like most about your course?

Well, there are a couple of things I can think of; for example, I like the fact that it has a global perspective and that a lot of what I learn applies to any business anywhere in the world nowadays.

Also, it has helped me develop my critical thinking and strategic planning skills immensely. Although there's a lot of business related theory to learn, there is also a great emphasis on being able to apply such theories and strategies to real life business situations. So it's very practical in its approach.

Is this a popular choice for a career in your country?

Yes, I believe it is. There are about 40 of us on this particular course. I originally studied Business Administration and specialized in Marketing, but International Business seems to have become increasingly popular as a career for young people.

I think that may be due to the fact that it truly does offer you the opportunity to develop an international career, and is not just limited to your own country, as would be the case if you studied law or something which was particular to one country.


Do you like holidays? Why? Why not?

Yes, I do because they give me a chance to relax and switch off for a bit. It's always nice to have a break from the normal routine - especially when a holiday falls on the day after the weekend, which usually means that you have three days away from work or studying.

Even though I like to relax on a holiday, I always try to do something different as well or something which I wouldn't normally have opportunity to do normally, so that I make the most of the day off or days off.

Why do you think people consider holidays to be important?

I suppose one of the main reasons is, as I said, it's a nice break from the normal daily routine. For families it can also be important because it's a time when they can spend more time together, which can sometimes be difficult when everybody is so busy nowadays.

Of course, there are also some holidays which are special, such as Independence Day, and religious festivals, which have a special meaning for many people, so these days are important for cultural reasons, not just because it's a day off from school or work.


What do you normally like to do on weekends?

First, I like to sleep a little later than normal, just because it's more relaxing not to have to get up early like I usually do, but I don't like getting up too late in the day because then I feel like I've wasted some of the weekend.

I also like to have lunch or at least one meal with my parents over the weekend, depending on what I'm doing, and what their plans are. Then, sometimes, I like to visit my grandparents, who live in the next town whenever I have enough time at the weekend. Usually I manage to see them at least every other week at the weekends.

Why do you think many people consider the weekend to be important?

I guess it could be for some of the same reasons that people think holidays are important - the weekends are a change of pace from during the week, and many people get a chance to do things they wouldn't have time to during the week. For example, people play sports, visit relatives, or travel to other places.

People generally have more time at the weekend so they spend more time with people they love or doing things they really like rather than just studying or working. And, of course, it's an opportunity to recharge your batteries before returning to work or whatever you do during the week, feeling more energized and ready to face up to the challenges again.

What would your ideal weekend be like?

Never ending! But seriously, I suppose it would include some time with my friends and family and maybe doing something special such as visiting a new place or trying a new activity with my friends.

It would be interesting, but not too busy to be tiring, and I would like to have enough time to chill and relax too. It's hard to be more exact, because there are so many possible things you could include in a weekend which would be fun.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2

Describe a recent holiday you went on.
You should say:
and explain why you chose that particular place for a holiday.

IELTS Cue Card | A recent holiday

I recently went on holiday with my friends for a week. We decided to go to a small village on the coast because one of my friends has a relative who owns a small hotel there, and we thought it would be an interesting place to visit and relax also.

So, this would be about two months ago, maybe, when we had all finished university for the year. That was one of the main reasons we thought it would be a good idea to get away from everything for a while and see and do something different.

We had all been extremely busy with exams and some of us were more stressed out than others, so the idea of a holiday sounded great when my friend suggested it to us. Especially when she told us that her uncle owned a hotel near the coast where we could stay.

We traveled by car, there were four of us, and we booked a couple of rooms at the hotel for a week. When we got there it was amazing. The hotel had a view of the ocean and the beach was just a few minutes away – so after saying hello to my friend’s uncle and his wife, we strolled down to the beach to see what it was like.

The beach was beautiful and there weren’t many people there at that time of year as we had gone in the off season, not the most popular time of the year, but it was good for us because we just wanted to do something different.

On the first evening there my friend’s uncle and wife invited us all to eat with them and they prepared a superb meal which we all enjoyed very much; they were extremely hospitable. The following day we got some tips on what else we could do and see while we were there and went off to explore a few places close by.

The whole week was a lot of fun and it was so good to see a new place and do some different things, especially with my friends there too. It was one of the most enjoyable weeks I’ve had in a long time, and I’d love to go back there again sometime in the future.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3

children playing, learning skills, individual/team games

Where do children normally play in your country, inside or outside?

It depends on the time of year, and also the age of the children. When the weather is nice, children usually like to play outside most of the time, but in the winter it’s often too cold most of the time to spend a lot of time outdoors, so children tend to do more indoor activities.

Playing inside is also normal if the children are very young and can’t go out without their parents, so they play at home, maybe with other children while their parents are there to supervise and look after them. Older children might be allowed to go out with other children, but even then sometimes they prefer to stay in and play video games or something inside.

What are some of the benefits of playing indoors or outdoors?

I guess when it comes to playing indoors, the major benefit is that it is not weather or time dependent, and won’t normally have to involve a parent. Children can play inside at any time and they don’t have to worry about if it’s cold or rainy outside.

Also. Children don’t have to get ready or change their clothes, or make sure they have eaten before playing inside but if they go out someplace to play, especially if it’s some distance from their home, then their parents might have to get them ready and prepare more before leaving – the parents might even have to accompany the children depending on their age.

As for playing outdoors, I suppose the best thing is it’s probably healthier because children can typically be more active outdoors than indoors; they can run around a lot more and maybe climb on things and get more physical than they would normally when they are playing indoors.
It might also be a bit more of an adventure for them, going outside to play; again a lot depends on the age of the children and exactly what the play activity is.

What skills do children learn while playing?

Playing can be responsible for children learning both physical and cognitive skills. If they are participating in physical activities outdoors, for example, this can help develop their motor skills, coordination, balance, stamina and other physical attributes.

If they are involved in creative playing activities indoors, for example, this can help them develop their fine motor skills, creativity, critical thinking and analytical skills.

And of course then there are other social skills they can learn such as sharing with others, caring about others, collaborating, and even just how to have fun doing something with other children

In your country, is it more important that children participate in games as part of a team or individually? Why do you think that is so?

What’s important, in my opinion, is that children are given the opportunity to try both. They should experience being part of a team, and all that being a member of a team involves, and they should also experience doing things on their own, whether it’s playing games or other activities.

Most children, in fact most people, have their own preferences. Some like to be part of a team, and perform better when they are with others, while other people prefer to do stuff themselves and don’t feel so comfortable when in a team because they can’t just do whatever they want; they have to collaborate with and respect the other members of the team.

So what’s important is that children experience playing games as part of a team and also playing them on their own against another player or opponent. Sure, they might have their own preference, but it’s good for them to learn the different ways of engaging and how to do both when required.

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Test 3

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1


Indoor Games

Feeling Proud

IELTS Speaking test Part 2

Describe a small business you would like to run.
You should say:
and explain why you would choose this type of business.

Follow up question:

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3

Business & Success

Test 4

Part 1 Questions

Work / Studies

Indoor Games

Public Transport

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2

Describe an experience you had with foreign food

You should say:
and say if you liked or disliked it.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 3