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Latest PTE Writing – Summarize Written Text

PTE Writing Summarize Written Text – Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence (between 5 and 75 words). Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.

 A – Read and summarize written text in your words – Online learning

What makes teaching online unique is that it uses the Internet, especially the World Wide Web, as the primary means of communication. Thus, when you teach online, you don’t have to be someplace to teach. You don’t have to lug your briefcase full of papers or your laptop to a classroom, stand at a lectern, scribble on a chalkboard, or grade papers in a stuffy room while your students take a test. You don’t even have to sit in your office waiting for students to show up for conferences. You can hold “office hours” on weekends or at night after dinner.

You can do all this while living in a small town in Wyoming or a big city like Bangkok, even if you’re working for a college whose administrative offices are located in Florida or Dubai. You can attend an important conference in Hawaii on the same day that you teach your class in New Jersey, longing on from your laptop via the local cafe’s wireless hot sport or your hotel room’s high-speed network.

Online learning offers more freedom for students as well. They can search for courses using the Web, scouring their institution or even the world for programs, classes and instructors that fit their needs. Having found an appropriate course, they can enrol and register, shop for their books, read articles, listen to lectures, submit their homework assignments, confer with their instructors, and receive their final grades – all online. They can assemble in virtual classrooms, joining other students from diverse geographical locales, forging bond and friendships not possible in conventional classrooms, which are usually limited to students from a specific geographical area.

B – Read and summarize written text in your words – Nurse Sharks

Nurse sharks are nocturnal animals, spending the day in large inactive groups of up to 40 individuals. Hidden under submerged ledges or in crevices within the reef, the Nurse sharks seem to prefer specific resting sites and will return to them each day after the nights hunting. By night, the sharks are largely solitary. Nurse sharks spend most of their time foraging through the bottom sediments in search of food. Their diet consists primarily of crustaceans, molluscs, tunicates and other fish such as spiny lobsters, crabs, shrimps, sea urchins, octopuses, squid, marine snails and bivalves and in particularly, stingrays.

Nurse sharks are thought to take advantage of dormant fish which would otherwise be too fast for the sharks to catch, although their small mouths limit the size of prey items, the sharks have large throat cavities which are used as a sort of bellows valve. In this way, Nurse sharks are able to suck in their prey. Nurse sharks are also known to graze algae and coral.  Nurse sharks have been observed resting on the bottom with their bodies supported on their fins, possibly providing a false shelter for crustaceans which they then ambush and eat.

C. Read and summarize written text in your words – Water

Water is at the core of sustainable development. Water resources, and the range of services they provide underpin poverty reduction, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. From food and energy security to human and environmental health, water contributes to improvements in social well- being and inclusive growth, affecting the livelihoods of billions. In a sustainable world that is achievable in the near future, water and related resources are managed in support of human well-being and ecosystem integrity in a robust economy.

Sufficient and safe water is made available to meet every person’s basic needs, with healthy lifestyles and behaviors easily upheld through reliable and affordable water supply and sanitation services, in turn, supported by equitably extended and efficiently managed infrastructure. Water resources management, infrastructure, and service delivery are sustainably financed. Water is duly valued in all its forms, with wastewater treated as a resource that avails energy, nutrients, and freshwater for reuse.

D. Read and summarize written text in your words – Cities

How can we design great cities from scratch if we cannot agree on what makes them great? None of the cities where people most want to live such as London, New York, Paris and Hong Kong comes near to being at the top of surveys asking which are best to live in.

The top three in the most recent Economist Intelligence Units livability ranking, for example, were Melbourne, Vancouver, and Vienna. They are all perfectly pleasant, but great? The first question to tackle is the difference between livability and greatness. Perhaps we cannot aspire to make a great city, but if we attempt to make a livable one, can it in time become great?

There are some fundamental elements that you need. The first is public space. Whether it is Vienna’s Ringstrasse and Prater park, or the beaches of Melbourne and Vancouver, these are places that allow the city to pause and the citizens to mingle and to breathe, regardless of class or wealth. Good cities also seem to be close to nature, and all three have easy access to varied, wonderful landscapes and topographies.

A second crucial factor, says Ricky Burdett, a professor of urban studies at the London School of Economics, is a good transport system. Affordable public transport is the one thing which cuts across all successful cities, he says.


Online teaching provides the freedom to both teachers and students as teachers need not be at a specific place to teach because they use the internet as the medium of communication, whereas, students can enroll, register, submit assignments and receive grades- all online. 


Nurse Sharks, spend most of the time either foraging through the bottom to find food or resting at specific sites, hunts at night and spends the day in large inactive groups. 


Water, which improves the social well-being and affects the livelihood of billions, is a core of sustainable development due to which its resources are managed for integrity in the ecosystem.


The factors such as easy access to various landscapes, public space for citizens to breathe, and affordable public transportation are crucial for designing a great city.